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Y Friday, June 29, 2007

.....clues were "dropped" again yesterday...and as usual, i've picked them all up.....
"i've been visiting diff shops lately to find out more information on the grade, cuts and clarity..." - said by him.....now now now...what does this means......hmm.....oh well... aniwae like what the prev entry is.... "The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil."-Marcus T. Cicero .... decided to take it calm n slow....take it easy ger....haha..."if it's meant to be yours, it will be...no matter how long it takes..".......ok ok....i'll wait...i'll wait... patiently....*impatiently*

heh heh...till then...*still waiting*....(-_-)

aNd i sAy..
10:58 AM


I'm sure that every one of us has experienced a situation where we have
pushed rather than enlightened, applied pressure rather than having provided
clarity or disseminated conversation rather than alleviating doubt. There are a
million different attitudes we might experience during the pursuit of our
objectives, a million different moods and mind sets, but it is the tranquil,
ventilating and clarifying attitude that will provide you and your closest
friends and family with the peace of mind to achieve your goals.

Should a lightbulb have provided heat and not light, what would this
world be like?

"The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and
tranquil."-Marcus T. Cicero

aNd i sAy..
10:54 AM


If you hope to make no mistakes, then do nothing. Literally. Nothing. Or you could change your focus and not avoid making mistakes or experience pain but look to make progress and experience joy, success and health.

There will always be mistakes in failures in your life so long as you are human. It is in how we percieve these mistakes or how we FOREsee mistakes in our life that will have the most impact. If every decision you must make is shadowed by doubt, fear or anxiety of the possible mistakes or failures than your decisions will not be of the caliber congruent with your goals. Accept that this life is full of mistakes and disappointments and accept that any step you take may be wrought with these mistakes. With that in your heart, move forward courageously and, while aware of the potential threats, do not allow them to skew your perspective.

"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

aNd i sAy..
10:53 AM

Y Tuesday, June 26, 2007

When we encounter obstacles in our lives, we encounter a transaction; a price must be paid to continue in a direction and we must decide what it is we are willing to pay. It would seem our minds are predisposed to recognize the immediate cost of continuing towards our goal but we do not recognize that price that is paid for not following through, perhaps because it is long term residual, perhaps because it is less 'urgent' than the other or perhaps because it really isn't clearly defined what we must pay for NOT doing what needs to be done. Whatever the reason, remember that there is always a price to pay for every choice, for every action and for all inaction.

The two sacrifices can be compared to a relationship gone wrong; hold on to a person and hurt a little every day or experience the agony for a short time and move on? Most people will choose to avoid intense pain rather than gain the pleasure that may come after it. Our choice of action in relation to our goals is similar in this way that sometimes an immediate sacrifice is required and we choose to forego this sacrifice, neglecting to realize that the dull and discomforting pain of inaction, doubt and worry lingers over our heads for much longer. Look into your heart and into the core of your goals and decide whether or not you would be willing to make the necessary sacrifices. If you prepare yourself today, then the price may not be so weighty.

"Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay just for leaving things as they are, a price for everything."-Harry Browne

aNd i sAy..
3:07 PM

Y Monday, June 25, 2007

=The Best Is Worth The Wait=

Enuff said..above explains all.....Think i just have to be patient and slowly wait....wait for the best.....I'm waiting....rite here waiting....

pls stop dropping "clues" unknowingly...coz i'll be picking them up n putting them tog.... if it's really meant to be a surprise... let it be!!... if it's just me thinkg too much....stop "littering"!!!!..........OMG....its really killing me.....i want it to be a surprise... i wan to be surprised.... i dun wan to guess...... i dun wan to find out on my own... i wan u to tell me... i wan u to surprise me....oh manz.... the itch is really "torturerous".........

Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................Plssssssssssssssssss...............

aNd i sAy..
12:41 AM

Y Thursday, June 21, 2007

Nice story that i came across and would like to share with you all.....enjoy reading....=P


我覺得這篇文章寫的真好, 兩個不同生長環境的人要在一起,已經是很困難的事了,而彼此能相互溝通、尊重與珍惜的人更是少之又少。

因為許多人往往都是自私地站在自己的立場去想、去做, 以為這就是對方所需要的,以致常常意氣用事,痛了自己也苦了別人。 所以愛一個人不是給她你要的,因為你要的她不一定要啊!
而是要給她「她要的」,這樣才是真正愛她。 所以,兩個人在一起有三件事很重要:溝通 ‧ 尊重‧ 珍惜


兩個人一定要會溝通,溝通可不是件容易的事喔 ~ 就連我這個自認是「溝通大師」的都不一定會溝通呢!

我就說「炒蛋事件」好了! 我跟我老婆結婚才三個月的時候... 就發現我不會溝通了 ! 就有一天,我心血來潮突然就跟她說: 「我今晚作一道世界名菜給你吃 ! 」
平常晚上,我家都是吃三菜一湯。她一做完兩菜一湯就離開廚房,說要拭目看我作出什麼世界名菜來給她吃,讓她有個驚喜我就拿起三個蛋,打散,唰 ~ 下鍋,加蔥花...,再加醬油 ~? 這是最重要的!! 小時候不是都吃媽媽的醬油炒蛋嗎? 這可是含有濃濃的母愛的香味呢!

好啦!? 起鍋 ~世界名菜 --- 「醬油炒蛋」上桌! 她走出來,一看,「這是什麼? 」「蛋啊 ! 炒蛋啊~ ]

她是外省人,所以她們從小吃的蛋都是加鹽巴的。 我是本省人,所以都是加醬油的。 「我不要吃 !這不是炒蛋。」

這女人怎麼這麼硬啊?! 醬油炒蛋就不是蛋嗎?分別是少見多怪嘛! 黑蛋當然也是蛋啊 ~
「不吃就不吃 !」她筷子一摔,還真的就不吃了。碰 !還甩房門。

自此而後,只要我每次炒蛋,內心、腦袋就開始掙扎... 「要加鹽巴? 還是加醬油 ?我應該要讓她才對 ... 不對? 」! 哼!這一步不能讓! 這可是攸關我大男人的面子,尤其童年的回憶、媽媽的母愛、還有省籍意識在裡面的ㄋㄟ~ 怎麼能輕易就讓妳?! 每次上桌的醬油炒蛋,她就當作沒看到那道菜。我們就這樣過了五年。

很不可思議吧!為了個炒蛋吵了五年,但後來突然有一天福至心靈,我終於想通了 ! 我們跟小朋友玩不是都會讓他嗎 ! 因為他年紀小,不懂事嘛,所以我讓她 ! 而有時老婆不懂事、幼稚的時候,我又何必認真呢!有一天我就炒了加鹽巴的蛋上桌了。唷!我們家的黑蛋怎麼變白蛋啦? 就沒聽過黑人會變白人的,我們家的黑蛋竟然也會變白蛋呀 !」我這時啥也沒說,只嘿嘿乾笑了兩聲。可是,你知道嗎?過兩天,換我在桌上看見黑蛋了。她炒的。所以,愛一個人不是要給她你要的,你要的她不一定要啊! 而是要給她「她要的」! 切記。要把對方的需要當作你的責任,這樣才是真正愛她。

■=□=■=□=■=□=■ =□=■=□=■ =□=■=□=■


男生在發展關係的同時能尊重對方的意願,能把主控權交給女生的才是好男生。艾斯德講的是「兩個人在一起要學會尊重彼此的任何決定」。意見不合可以溝通,因為無論從人權、人性來說,男女生都是站在平等地位上的。我告訴朋友 --- 尊重,是最重要的! 如果他 ( 她 )會尊重你,意即什麼都好,都是能商量的。會把你放在平等地位上看待的這男生或女生就不會糟到哪裡去。
■ = □= ■ =□ = ■= □ =■


我們要珍惜每一段關係。假設你還能活 60年好了 !
等你 60 年後,快死之前,請你拿起一隻筆和一張紙,想一想,寫下你這一生中「真正愛過」的10個人。爸媽兄弟姊妹都可以,是真正愛過的喔! 那種只愛三個禮拜的不算是真愛。能寫到超過是最好,不到10個也沒關係。我現在想,我就好像寫不來10 個呢!我是不是真正愛我方爸媽都不太確定。因為你真正愛一個人會一年只見他三次面嗎? 不會吧!一定是巴不得每天都能看到他( 她) 的是吧!可是現在都有自己的家庭了,所以一年大概也只回去三次而已。

紙翻過來再寫,這一生中「真正愛過你」的 10 個人,如果你真能寫到 10 個那你可真的很幸運很幸福了 !!

還有一個小故事 ! 大意是說一個即將升職的男人, 因為她老婆突然罹患老年癡呆症,朋友們都建議他把老婆送到醫院治療兼療養。 , 他考慮了一星期後遞出了辭呈。 朋友們都很驚訝、錯愕,紛紛詢問他為什麼要放棄升遷的機會呢 ? 他的人生就將要達到最高峰了啊! 他說:「我只想到我曾在神前面承諾過,不論她貧窮、疾病、變老、變醜、我要愛她、照顧她一輩子。」

aNd i sAy..
8:31 PM

Y Monday, June 18, 2007

=4th Mit-i Club MeetinG=

Went to the car club meet-up yesterday with Bee and saw many many BB's "siblings" in all colors!...hehe...almost all colors present except solid white and ash grey... check out the pics i took ya..hehe... enuff said~ =)

PictUreS show all......Let's GOoooOo!!

Nice rite?...to see a convoy of mit-i cars cruising on the road....

Haha...cute rite?... Bb-mini flyinGGgggg.....

Some of the colors......

my fav color is in there 2!!!....noe where's BB??..heez...

all the colors present....=)
Cool rite?!!... mayb should get Bee to do the same to BB also...- hmm...imagine Doraemon on the entire car??!! wonder hw it look like...hahah...

that's all folks, will show u more pics when the official photographer post it...hahha......meanwhile...stay tuned!...:P


Additional Entry - reminder from DD *haha* (eh tanks ya)

3 good things that happened to me over the weekend:-

1) Met up with BB's "bros"& "sis"

2) packed up my "pig-sty" - now it looks neater n cleaner.. haha

3) got a new adidas jacket from Bee - oh ya..new jacket!! yeah!!...nice nice... it's white and gold! OMG i just luv adidas jackets!!...=P

aNd i sAy..
8:22 PM

Y Saturday, June 16, 2007

Been feeling lazy for the past 1 week...wake up go work-after work come home watch tv-then go to bed by 11pm daily so tt i will get 7-8hrs of slp b4 i wake up again and head for work... the cycle repeat almost everyday but i realise..the more i slp...the more tired i get esp in the morning... hahahaa.... think its my own prob lahz... been yawning n dozing off @ work...*ooPs* =X

aniway from the entry above... would have deduce i had quite a "BORING" week.... haha...except that my grandpa birthday on Sunday... took a few pics... and i sudd realise tt my ROUND face is really not suitable for any close-ups nor far-away pics now... arghh.. so damm sad... until i also dun dare to upload here liaoz.. =(
*pray tt my sis will put on wt....then mine will drop*...*evil grins*... hahaha... dunno why also...kinda weird but then me n my sis seems to be on the exact opp.... or rather i shld say...if i put on wt...she will slim down...and if she put on wt...i will slim down... damm... so dear sis..will u be so kind to "sacrifice" for ur sis???? *weeps*... heez....(",)
(oh yar, my sis jz happened to complaint to me tt she's getting fat...OOoh YeS!...hahaha... think i really so bad...but then again... wei le wo de xin fu...ni xi shen xiao wo..shi zhi de de!!...aniwae u oredi got prince... hehe.. so put on a little bit more also no worries ya...kekekek =P)

oh yar.. after tt bdae celebration, supp to go dragonfly wz Bee's Chinese Band group.... in the end kenna put helicopter... and we 2 also kinda lazy to go there...cz Bee still gotta book in real early the next morning..in the end we went to cineleisure to catch a show again... hahaha...

We watched "Black Snake Moan". Go read the trailer if u wanna noe wad's the story abt.. kinda lazy to type here...heez... learn something from the show though... if u wan a waist as slim as Christina Ricci...use a thick chain and chain your waist up..then try struggling to break free... then u can really see ur waist liaoz... *of coz this is all kok lahz...* but har... she realli made me wonder if tis method works siaz... aiyah go watch the show..then u noe wad i mean....

well well well.... cant sleep nw....though i shld be lying soundly in bed.....away in dreamland.... but guess its the medicine taking effect.... insomnia....n dryness of mouth...arghh... sianz... tink i'm gonna have sleepless nites again....=( *all in the name of beauty*...

aniwae had a "shocking" (actually i oredi guess so lahz) news yesterday..... i had actually gained almost 12kgs within a yr!!!!.........can u believe it???!! OMG....nearly fainted....tt means 1 kg per month... all thanks to Bee...who really fed me well manz....sibei jialatz.....cant let tis continue animore manz....if not... very soon.... u cant even see my arms n thighs liaoz...coz all merged into 1 big mass....... *Scary** Aniwae set a new resolution: To regain my wt of 1 yr ago...and even breakthrough to my "ideal".... Someone had showed me that its possible to do so less than a year's time... or to be exact... in 3-4mths time.. n had expected me to get it done too...provided i do wad i nid to do....probably i shld jz post 1 of my ROUNDEST pic tt i took of myself now.. then 1 pic each mth to evaluate the results ar... haha....tt's my motivation... - 5 kilos in a month's time...b4 Bee's birthday... tt's my bdae gift for him....(though i noe he doesnt want tt, but who cares! haha..i'm giving him a pretty gf...rather than a t-rex, rite?) *really keeping my fingers cross...hope tt i can really hit tt...* wait for my gd news...pray for me,....*O Mi TO FUO*

anybody got any suggestions to offer?? 5 kilos in a month... really a huge challenge manz... given that i had put on 12 kilos within a yr!...boy.. am i a pig... haha... like wad they always say.. "bu fei shi jia" - coz everyday supper/ buffet/ steamboat.. well wad to do... i got a bf who doesnt get fat no matter hw much he eat....*damm jealous*... UNFAIR!!

well, back to my request...if anyone of u got gd suggestions or sure-to-work plan... kindly drop me a note in the tagbox ar... ur input is greatly appreciated.... gam xia gam xia.....

p/s: pls dun tell me exercise...unless u wanna go wit me.... cz i dun like to do things alone... hahahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha

-----trying to make myself tired in order to fall asleep-------HELPPPpppp!!

aNd i sAy..
2:11 AM

Y Sunday, June 10, 2007

=Movies Day=

Had 2 movies in a row...day after another. 1st watched Ocean's 13 on Friday..then Zodiac on Saturday. Both are great shows.. Ocean 13 is the "best-est" of all 3... as wad Bee and most critics said... whereas Zodiac is based on a true story and as of date.. the case is still unresolved and left open... hmmm.... its a show tt kips ur mind running...thinking who is the "zodiac"...=X
eh DD... tot u wanted to watch tt marathon??... found ur khaki oredi anot?...quick go watch this show.. nice nice...:P
*sometimes really wished tt if ever a day i go over to Casino.... hopefully they are there... so tt i can be the "one" tt happened to passby and make some winnings....kaoz.. tt's alot of $$ involved k....*

hmmm.... Today is my "aH gonG" birthday... and tonight there's gonna be a mini celebration for him.. haven got a pressie for him yet.. dunno what kind of gifts can get for a "lao ren jia" also... haha... Big Headache siaz... nvm lahz.. shall go Vivo with Bee later to get his gift...

so fast and the weekend is coming to an end... sianz... if only it can be longer........

aNd i sAy..
12:42 PM

Y Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Guy's Guide To Giving Flowers

For the man who thinks "it's a jungle out there" when it comes to buying flowers, these simple tips will pave the way.

Be Spontaneous.
You don't have to wait for a special occasion to give flowers. In fact, flowers given for no reason other than "I was thinking of you today" mean much more because they are unexpected.

Don't Overlook Anyone.
A bouquet can express a range of feelings -- from romantic to friendly to something in between. Your wife or sweetheart will love to receive a surprise gift of flowers. So will your mother, daughter, sister, and friends.

Try Something New.
Women are interested in a wide variety of flowers and colors. So, when giving roses, consider pink, peach, yellow, white, or assorted colors to catch her attention. And, remember, most women appreciate a beautiful assortment of fresh flowers, as well as roses.

Get More Bloom For The Buck.
The prices of some flowers vary seasonally. Roses, for example, are usually a great value during summer months. In the winter, mixed bouquets may be a better way to go.

Flowers Are Never Boring.

Because of their infinite diversity and unique appeal, flowers never lose their specialness. Each new floral arrangement is a fresh and individual declaration of appreciation -- reflecting positively on your imagination and thoughtfulness.

Flowers Don't Have To Mean Commitment.
Relax, guys. Women know when an arrangement simply means that you care.

Be Prepared.
When ordering flowers, have ready the recipient's name, address, and phone number. If you're not sure what to order, ask for assistance.

Get Professional Help.
Selecting flowers may be a bewildering experience for the uninitiated man. Fortunately, help is available. Consult your professional florist for a special arrangement that will match both your sentiment and her personality.

A Gift Of Flowers Goes A Long Way.
Every woman can remember the last time she got flowers!

**if only all guys noes...then there wldnt be any sad women....** haha

i dunno abt the rest...wad i noe is ..the best way to please me esp when i angry is to appear in front of me with a bouquet of my favourite flowers... my heart will sure melt... hahaha...anyway i supp all gers noe tt flowers are a waste of $$... they dun last long..*unless u go dried them* but... once in a while..its always nice to receive them... hahaa... sOoOoo... nx time dun complain when u receive flowers frm ur bf/husband/lover/watever !! haha =X

my favourite flower is lily...:P Beautiful~PerfEct~PuRity~ WOoOoo...hahahahah
oh yar.. and purple rose... meaning "i will always love you..."

How i wish that i can receive a rose everyday continuously for 99 days *read notes below* before the day my future-hubby propose to me.... then on the 100th day - actual day...present me with a bouquet of my favourite flower, kneeling down and propose to me...how nice would it be.. ahhh.... sooo Sweet~...awww..... *fantasizing* =X

Oh yar.. for you guys out there...here is the list of no of roses meaning ( refer to this and u wun "biao chuo qing" ) (",)

A single rose stands for simplicity and means you are the only one. In full bloom, it means "I love you" or "I love you still." It can also symbolize love at first sight.

Two roses taped or wired together to form a single stem represent a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage. They represent the mutual feeling that the bond between the two of you is inseparable and nothing can come between you.

Six roses means I miss you.

Seven roses signifies infatuation.

A dozen roses means "I love you" and denotes gratitude for your presence.

Eighteen roses means "I am sorry."

Twenty-five roses mean congratulations.

Fifty roses means unconditional love.

Ninety nine roses means be mine and you complete me.

A full rose placed over two buds signifies secrecy and a crown made of roses stands for reward or virtue.

--------**gonna continue dreaming...**....................

aNd i sAy..
10:48 AM

Y Wednesday, June 6, 2007


dunno why but i'm feeling sooo tired for the past few days... was supp to coy Bee to study @ Kallang Mac...sekali.... i started nodding my head within less than 2hrs...LOL...=X

Aniway, i suggested to go our "all-time-favourite" for dinner yesterday @ Ting Yuan again. Yeah, this time round i managed to snap a few pics for you all to see.....=P *so far its still the 'bestest' of all... hahahah....


**aftEr****cAnt wait to starT...- heh heh.. not forgetting BB in the backdrop!...**

**OoOo... i start first hor....**

**SEe our RounD faces... hahahahhahaa**

**yeaH...this is the culprit tt made us both ROUND -<<>>- Yum yuM...**

AftEr the fulfilling dinner...we went to PS to watch 'Blades of Glory'!... hahaha... Bee was so happy with the arrangement coz he has been wanting to watch this show for quite some time le... hahahha...so damm farnie.. luff all the way thru... =O

saw this 2 advs in the magazine.... which closely describe my feelings...hahahhahahahah

*wonder who will be so kind to show this to Bee...or any kind souls who wans to get tt for me?..LOL **

Nice rite?...haha.... well...guess i just gotta dream on.... dream that the pair of hands belong to me....LOL.... well well..it's also part of my Top 10 wishlist (in friendster)... guess i really have to work real dammm long...before i can afford 1/4 of this......=X

Aniwae Bee's on reservist now...from 06 jun - 22 jun.... so sAD....mish him so muchie... but poor him...got exams on 08 jun and 12 jun... dunno hw is he gonna take the papers manz....well hope he take gd care of himself bahz....n try to study hard...*though im not much better*...haha...=X

zzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i wanna go slp nw...so tired.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzz


aNd i sAy..
9:38 PM

Y Tuesday, June 5, 2007

== Something meaningful that i would like to share== - happy reading :P

"Did I Marry The Right Person?"

During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question.
She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?"
In all seriousness, she answered, "How do you know?"

Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.

EVERY relationship has a cycle.
In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse.
You anticipated his call, wanted his touch and liked his idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard.
In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience.
You didn't have to DO anything.
That's why it's called "falling" in love.

People in love sometimes say, "I was swept off my feet."
Think about the imagery of that expression.
It implies that you were just standing there, doing nothing.
Then something came along and happened to you.

Falling is love is easy.
It's a passive and spontaneous experience.
But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades.
It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship.
Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens) and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts.

The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?"
And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else.

This is when marriages break down.

People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.

Extra-marital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.
Infidelity is the most obvious.
But sometimes people turn to work, church, a hobby, friendship, excessive TV or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage.
It lies within it.

I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And TEMPORARILY, you'd feel better.
But you'd be in the same situation a few years later.
Because (listen carefully to this):

The Key To Succeeding In Marriage Is Not Finding The Right Person; It's Learning To Love The Person You Found.

SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience.
It'll NEVER just happen to you.
You can't "find" LASTING love.
You have to "make" it day in and day out.
That's why we have the expression "the labour of love" ... because it takes time, effort and energy.
And most importantly, it takes WISDOM.
You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.

Make no mistake about it.
Love is NOT a mystery.
There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.

Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships.
Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger.

It's a direct cause and effect.
If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable... you can "make" love.

Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... Not just a feeling.


aNd i sAy..
4:27 PM

Y Sunday, June 3, 2007


an "eXciting" weEkeNd after the exaMs....

wanted to go Zouk for Mambo on Wednesday nite.. in the end it was so packed that we decided to change to Dragonfly @ St. James. The members' Q was long as well and as long as or even longer than non-members...damm.. waited till 1am when we were finally allowed in...SOooooooOooo packed!!! Couldnt find a proper place to even stand.. in the end we made the decision to leave and go for supper instead. Haha..damm stOopid...but nvm lahz.. coz our stomachs were all calling loud for us le... went to Teochew Porridge @ Kallang Oasis Restaurant for our "fan Shu zhou"..*yum yum*... eh DD, lucky u din go tt day..if nt, it's a wasted trip for ya.. we go next time okie?..=)

**Thinking when will i become like him (Shrek)...hmmmm" - YJ

**happy faces... Bee's favourite Boy...- YJ aka mOi bRotheR...LOL.."


**Taken outside MOS while waiting for Charlene on 01 Jun 07**

Haha...went MOS on last Friday after the "spoilt mood for clubbing" on Wednesday evening. it's Sandy Riveria Spinning!!...ya.. i dun listen to House Music... but he's cool~.. haha.. all thanks to Bee..i'm learning to listen to all types of different genres now... **lalallallalaalalla**+ **Spinning head**LOL~ we joined Charlene n her group of "VIP" friends...and saw that Channel U's SuperHost - LUO YI (if u know who he is). He looked similar as what u see on TV - what you see is what u got... haha... anyway, Charlene is fun!! though the session was short, we managed to catch a few gossips.. haha.. will sure jio this "Tang Mei of Bee" to Dragonfly soon *after Bee's exam*.. =P


**@ Beauty World Billard Center on 02 Jun 07 Saturday**

**Messy Look..haha**

**after waiting for quite some time for our turn...**

**mOnkey faces...**

Decided to be a loving sister and bring my sis out on Saturday after washing BB...went to Bukit Timah's Beauty World Billard Centre together with Bee and sis's new bf - Prince William. haha... had lotsa fun practising our "pool-ing" skills and laughing at each other. *check out the pics *

**The "PROs" in action" except me coz i nid to take photos mahz...*hiaks*hiakS*

**the master of all** - see below

after which, we went to "Shi Nai" for our Dinner cum supper. Had French Toast with Peanut Butter *yum yum* - still feel that this is the best HONGKONG CAFE that i've been. haha... dunno why..but i just like here....anyway, since my sis say she doesnt want to go home yet.. so we decided to go over to Marina South for arcade games before heading home... *tired**..zzzz

**my sis had this - interesting rite? **


Anyway, went jamming with Bee yesterday @ BMC together with Serge they all. it was then when the news was broke to us.....- Bee's gonna be a godfather soon!!!!!!! - See Kay is 3mths pregnant! OMG...- wad a news.....haha...all of us were so excited esp Bee...- "suddenly i've grown up" - said by Bee.. hahahahahaa everyone of us were so happy for them... we gonna have a Dec piggy boy/girl soon~~~ =)

3 good things that happened over the weekend:

1) The-Dec-New-Born

2) Bee's supposedly "proposal" *read notes below*

3) the loving MMS from Bee - see pic!

*notes: Bee told me about his proposal fantasy- kinda imaginative and big-scale...but....indeed..im kinda touched by the scenario....hahaha...think if that really happens, i'll be too shocked for words.... LOL... but anyway, he told me that he's gonna scrap that idea off and think of a new one.. so we shall wait n see.......=P

aNd i sAy..
6:39 PM